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Bhopal, MP/New Delhi/Indore

Job Type


About the Role

You have reached the right place. We have the right job for you. Move ahead if your answer to all of the following questions is “YES”
Do you like chatting on WhatsApp?
Do you like to travel?
Do you like helping people achieve their dreams?
Do you like talking to people?
Are you passionate about technology?
Do you have BIG dreams?
Do you like to experiment?
Do you wanted to interacted with new Peoples always ?
Do you like to conduct online interactions.?



Depending on your area of work, you'll typically need to:

  • create, deliver and evaluate a range of practical and educational food-based initiatives to encourage healthy lifestyle changes

  • support individuals, communities and workforces to make positive, practical changes to their food choices and general health

  • advise sports professionals on how diet can optimise their performance, enhance recovery from injury and achieve optimum body size and build for their sport

  • deliver presentations and workshops on areas such as health education/promotion, behavioural and lifestyle change, weight management and eating for performance

  • provide nutritional information for food production and help to secure approval for health claims on packaging

  • develop and analyse menus, e.g. for school meals, sports teams on tour, residential care settings and workplace restaurants

  • provide specialist advice on healthy eating to particular client groups, such as maternal, infant or elderly, and work in specific areas like bone health and salt or sugar reduction

  • promote nutritional advice via the press, website content, e-learning tutorials and webinars, seminars, audio and video podcasts and social media

  • review literature and undertake market research and product surveys

  • write reports and publish papers

  • conduct dietary surveys, food research and clinical trials to develop and enhance the evidence base

  • advocate change, and lead on and write policy.


You'll need:

  • an aptitude for science

  • good communication skills including verbal, presentation and written

  • passion, enthusiasm and empathy

  • the ability to encourage and motivate others

  • effective teamworking skills

  • the capability to multitask and work independently

  • time management skills

  • proficiency in data research, evaluation and reporting

  • self-motivation and a good head for business, particularly if setting up your own consultancy

  • commitment to continuing professional development (CPD).

About the Company

Natural i World Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in providing the predictive & preventive healthcare solution under the brand name of Nutrigenomic Well-being Solution designed with a holistic approach to create lasting behavioural and lifestyle changes by addressing the root causes of your current health concerns and by considering all aspects of your health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.


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Nutrigenomics Wellbeing Screening Studio, an Initiative by

Natural i World Pvt. Ltd. provides health & wellness solutions, registered under Startup India, DPIIT, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India, for aspiring and budding women entrepreneurs.

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