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Product Manager

Bhopal, MP/New Delhi

Job Type


About the Role

You have reached the right place. We have the right job for you. Move ahead if your answer to all of the following questions is “YES”
Do you like chatting on WhatsApp?
Do you like to travel?
Do you like helping people achieve their dreams?
Do you like talking to people?
Are you passionate about technology?
Do you have BIG dreams?
Do you like to experiment?


  • This is an exciting opportunity to interact with people. We get leads in the CRM, therefore the sales is smooth process with us. This is a sales and marketing profile. You will get a lot of exposure in this profile.

Are you a fresher looking for a job in a fast-growing startup?

Now, move ahead if your answer to all the questions below is “NO”

  • Are you afraid to fail?

  • Do you want a monotonous job?

  • Do you want to work 9-5 in the office?

  • Do you think you are an expert?

  • Do you think your education is enough?

  • Are you afraid of public speaking?

  • Are you afraid of taking responsibility?

About the Company

Natural i World Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneer in providing the predictive & preventive healthcare solution under the brand name of Nutrigenomic Well-being Solution designed with a holistic approach to create lasting behavioural and lifestyle changes by addressing the root causes of your current health concerns and by considering all aspects of your health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

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